Vision 2025 Contents


Furthering a steady trend over the past three years, current CEOs believe that their successors will need to be disruption-proof. This will require increasing fluency in data, transformation and all-things digital. Meanwhile, investors will still require a more traditional suite of leadership skills.

Future CEOs will clearly need to be equipped with a unique blend of skills required to not just manage – but lead – through disruptive change.

Question: What skills and talents will the next generation of CEOs need to bring to your job / their jobs?

Figure 25: Skills and talents required of the next generation of CEOs

A Broader Path to the Corner Office

CEOs (32%) and investors (42%) both favor a leadership pipeline that draws primarily from the CFO role, emphasizing the importance of financial bonafides as a foundation for the additional leadership qualifications outlined on the previous page. In addition, CEOs report openness to COO and CIO / CTO candidates – roles that align with the tech-savvy skillset they view as essential for future leadership.

Question: The pathway to CEO is evolving. Which C-suite roles do you feel are most suited to the role of CEO in succession planning?

Figure 26: Pathway to CEO
CEO and Investor Outlook Survey Report
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