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Risk Advisory


Enterprise Resilience & Security Solutions

We assess the overall ability of an enterprise’s operational structures to effectively respond to and overcome business disruption. We then help executives address gaps and build programs to lead stronger and more resilient businesses.

How We Support You

Enterprise Resilience Governance

We partner with clients to assess and streamline their approach to enterprise security, crisis management and business continuity, helping to define their goals and then operationalize programs that enable business resilience. We work across businesses to diagnose pain points and propose sustainable enterprise-wide solutions based on measurable objectives, strengthening our clients’ ability to optimize long-term performance and success.

Physical & Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessments

Our professionals work with clients to understand the key physical, cyber and reputational security risks to their business. We identify critical components of the company’s long-term success and systematically evaluate the threats those elements may face. We then deliver recommendations that are prioritized according to their potential impact on the business, helping to incorporate security risk management practices into an organization’s overall strategy through globally accepted risk management principles.

Crisis Management Planning

Our team supports the development and embedding of company-wide crisis management plans. We work closely with clients to establish individualized frameworks that identify potential threats to the organization and institute an “all-hazards” plan that provides clear escalation and decision-making structures. With clear, step-by-step protocols, our plans enable scalable responses that include key organization voices, thereby empowering the organization against threats to its integrity or operations.

Culture Building for Resilient Organizations

We assist our clients in building practical resilience through socialization, implementation and simulation of physical, operational and reputational risk mitigation efforts, with the goal of fostering a culture of resilience across the organization. We partner with clients across business functions such as security, compliance, human resources and legal to seamlessly address business concerns and develop and execute approachable learning modules that clarify expectations and responsibilities related to security and crisis management in a safe and productive environment.

Security Solutions

We assess the current corporate security capabilities and security solutions deployed by the organization and make recommendations on how to evolve and integrate cross functional proactive frameworks to meet the current and future threat landscape. Solutions can be data, technology or business processes related as part of the overall corporate security mandate. This includes items such as access control, emergency notification and emergency management, threat monitoring and reporting, and insider risk mitigation and management.

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