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Risk Advisory


Geopolitical Risk

Teneo’s Geopolitical Risk team can translate granular, country-level developments, big-picture geopolitical conflict and trade issues into business and operational takeaways.

Whether executives are looking to monitor a range of issues across multiple markets or need early-warning tools to track and prepare for specific circumstances, clients engage our services to tackle a host of business needs:

Issues triangulation

As the nature of globalization shifts, companies must navigate complex or disparate events over vast geographies, making sense of interlinkages, causes and effects. Our team helps business leaders understand trends and interrelationships among occurrences across and between different markets to inform a strategic approach to global investments, operations, and strategy.

C-suite support

Establishing a trusted advisor relationship with a firm’s executives, our senior leadership supports these key decision-makers in their efforts to digest global events, understand the business implications, and respond. In addition to sharing tailored insights into latest developments, we can advise on messaging around major geopolitical events for internal and external purposes, provide travel briefs and insights into “doing business” in overseas markets, and provide on-demand and rapid reactions to breaking global events.

High-impact events

Our team consistently monitors high-magnitude and breaking global events, unpacking the potential outcomes and assessing the range of implications for our clients. Whether social unrest, a major political upset, a military invasion, or rapid currency depreciation, anticipating, understanding, and preparing for significant upheaval or disruption in a market or region is essential to developing rapid responses and risk mitigation plans.

Narrative refinement

Collaborating across Teneo’s disciplines, our team integrates global geo/political, economic, and social variables into government and public affairs profiles, corporate narratives, and other messaging and strategic planning in a way that can be read and understood by key stakeholder groups linked to your business.

Our Services

We work with clients to design a geopolitical risk approach that best aligns with their own unique circumstances and internal processes to facilitate the application of our analysis to their decision-making and strategic planning processes.

Research relationships

Access to event-driven analysis on latest developments in a country, the implications, risks, and opportunities; access to our global team of analysts.

Market briefs

Ranging from deep dive market entry assessments to deal due diligence, reports are designed with client input and feedback and aligned to specific investment or strategic decisions.

Issues monitoring

Recurring products that track political, fiscal, or monetary policy, regulatory issues, and social trends across multiple markets, weighing the range of client impacts and/or comparative risks and opportunities.

Scenario planning

Highly customizable services that engage our clients in assessing high-impact geopolitical events and their leaderships’ basic assumptions about outcomes and their corporate response.

Key Contacts

Our Strategic Partners at WestExec Advisors

Regional Teams





Middle East & North Africa


Latin America

North America

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