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Management Consulting


Value Creation

Teneo has deep expertise in identifying and unlocking value creation opportunities for businesses and financial investors such as private equity, venture capital and institutional investors driving significant revenue/EBITDA growth.

We offer strategic advice across a wide range of areas, including commercial model design, product & market strategy, sales optimization and delivery model design.

As industry and market dynamics continue to evolve and competitive threats and pricing pressures challenge our clients in new ways, it is mission critical for companies and investors to adopt a strategic approach to value creation.

Teneo works across a wide range of value creation areas with a focus on driving EBITDA growth through a full suite of top-line and bottom-line focused initiatives.

Our value creation initiatives are informed by detailed customer and market research and developed pragmatically to be implementable. We work closely with client management teams to ensure the solutions we provide are actionable and easy to execute.

Our clients include leaders across various industries within the technology, B2B data & information services, healthcare and private equity landscapes, with a particular focus on software, technology and services businesses.

Who We Support

Software Businesses

B2B Data and Information Services Businesses

Business and Tech-Enabled Services

Healthcare Businesses

Private Equity Investors

How We Support You

Pricing and commercial model design

Teneo supports its clients in developing tailored and innovative commercial models that drive revenue growth and maximize profitability. Pricing and packaging in particular are often unexploited and highly margin-accretive levers that can be pulled to set up a company for sustained growth. Our full list of services includes revenue model evolution, pricing strategy, packaging and bundling, channel strategy and partner program design.

Example Case Study

Teneo supported a leading real estate software company in identifying key opportunities relating to pricing & packaging, such as aligning price metrics to growth drivers, which resulted in an ARR uplift of >40% within the first year.

Product and market strategy

Guiding our clients as they navigate changing industry and market dynamics in times of uncertainty, Teneo provides strategic advice to help businesses win in their respective fields. Our full range of services includes supporting clients in expanding their addressable market with a winning proposition for new segments; optimizing their product portfolios to increase deal size, drive cross-sell and upsell; and launching new product lines to drive continued business growth.

Example Case Study

Leveraging our expertise in data and analytics, we supported a PE-backed client in the legal services industry to unlock the potential of their existing data by developing a new data services product, providing the company with a new income stream and substantial revenue growth.

Sales optimization

Aligning a company’s GTM function with its broader business strategy is critical to unlocking consistent long-term revenue growth and reducing cost of sale. At Teneo, we combine our extensive experience with in-depth assessments of our clients’ businesses to develop cost-effective and implementable organizational structures and processes. Our expertise includes marketing and demand generation, sales segmentation and motion design, sales coverage and organizational design as well as sales compensation, operations and enablement.

Example Case Study

Teneo worked with a large middle-market PE firm to merge the sales teams of five recently acquired manufacturing and distribution software companies, driving significant cost savings while increasing the team’s sales effectiveness.

Delivery model design

In today’s environment, having a well-designed operating model that underpins a company’s broader strategy is more important than ever to drive continued growth at improved margins. Our services include operating model redesign, customer lifecycle model & success strategy development, customer support & service model optimization, as well as back office and professional services strategy development.

Example Case Study

In collaboration with one of the UK’s largest software companies, we redesigned their customer support and professional services offering by analyzing customer types, identifying relevant use cases and introducing tiered packages tailored to customers’ specific needs.

Example Case Study

We undertook a sales organization redesign for a mid-market ERP software provider, adjusting the size and focus of their internal sales teams to better align with the overall market opportunity, resulting in cost reduction of more than 10% for the business.

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