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ESG Advisory Offering

Despite recessionary pressures and recent pushback, ESG has continued to become more essential and ubiquitous. Using a holistic view of the ESG landscape, Teneo is equipped to assist companies with a specific aspect of their ESG program and can also work with companies to build and develop a comprehensive and bespoke ESG strategy and implementation plan catered to their business and industry.



CEOs face an imperative to prioritize ESG as a key aspect of value creation. No company can ignore, silo, or treat ESG as a supplementary practice.

Investors, customers, employees, governments and other stakeholders expect companies to develop robust and authentic Environmental, Social and Governance programs that specify and measure their impact.

Working with the CEOs and senior executives of the world’s leading companies, Teneo helps leaders across the globe to develop and execute against their ESG ambitions, creating world-class strategies that engage and provide value to critical stakeholders.

We can keep doing things the way they've always been done – which hasn’t been very successful – or corporate America can use its voices and resources to help define a better future for everyone and drive positive change. Those that don’t embrace this shift will be left behind.
Ursula Burns
Diversity & Inclusion Advisory
New York

Sustainable Leadership

Leadership plays an integral role in reinventing economic models that will integrate Nature preservation and biodiversity.
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What Does ESG Mean to Your Organization?

Every company’s ESG strategy must be unique and appropriate to the business’ specific mission, vision, values and goals.

ESG Hands
  • Animal Welfare
  • Clean Energy
  • Ethical Sourcing
  • Recycling
  • Carbon Emissions
  • Climate Change
  • Plastics
  • Water Stewardship
People Balance
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Equal Pay
  • LGBTQ Rights
  • Privacy
  • Employee Rights
  • Labor Rights
  • Public Safety
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Supply Chain
Board Chatting
  • Board Composition
  • Executive Compensation
  • Shareholder Engagement
  • Board Oversight of ESG
  • Impact Measurement
  • Proxy Disclosure

Building a Bespoke ESG Program

Teneo’s holistic view of the ESG landscape can assist companies with a specific aspect of their ESG strategy and can also help develop a comprehensive ESG strategy and implementation plan. Our approach is tailored to directly align with the client’s long-term goals and will take into careful consideration the industry and business environment relevant to that organization.

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