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Phil Nicholls


Phil Nicholls is a Director with Teneo’s Restructuring business, based in London. Phil has over 15 years of experience and is both ACCA and JIEB qualified.

Phil specialises in complex big ticket contingency planning and insolvency engagements, with a particular focus on financial services mandates. He advises a broad group of stakeholders, including corporates, creditors and regulators, and leads a number of Teneo’s largest insolvencies.

Phil is also the architect of Teneo’s Entity Priority Model, which has been deployed on a number of contingency planning and insolvency engagements to:

  • Evaluate returns to stakeholder in alternative outcomes (including in non-consensual Court implementation); and
  • Determine actual dividend payments on Group insolvency appointments.


Selected Project Experience:

  • Special Administration of Sova Capital Limited, including leading settlement of in-flight transactions, trade out of proprietary portfolios (securities, repos and derivatives), and analysis re. client rights and quantification of claims.
  • Liquidation of ES Bankers (Dubai) Limited, including leading the wind down of a $1.2bn Client securities portfolio, dealing with cross jurisdictional legal claims, and analysis re. client rights and ranking of claims.
  • Administration of Fintyre Group Limited, a European tyre distribution holding structure, including leading investigations into the reasons for failure and litigation to recover sums due to the business.
  • Contingency planning advice for secured bondholders to an airline (with security over landing slots), focused on options analysis in the event that a broader restructuring fails.
  • Contingency planning advice to bond providers to multinational construction and support services business, including producing an entity priority model for liquidation analysis purposes.
  • Contingency planning advice to RCF and guarantee lenders to a German multinational heat exchange business, including Plan B construction and analysis, and outcome analysis.
  • Contingency planning advice to a banking group, including preparing liquidation outcome analysis to support restructuring.
  • Contingency planning advice to a global aviation business, including options analysis in relation to business units underperforming as a result of COVID.
  • Multiple scheme comparator engagement across various sectors (including alternative scenario and outcome analysis, and entity priority modelling).
  • Advising the FCA in relation to regulated firm Scheme of Arrangement, including assessing alternative scenario and outcome analysis prepared by the company.

Articles by Phil Nicholls
