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Kees Boef

CEO, Teneo Netherlands

Kees Boef is the CEO of Teneo Netherlands and a member of Teneo’s European management team. Kees is a well-known corporate affairs leader in the Dutch market, with years of experience working for and advising some of the most prominent Dutch companies and politicians.

Before joining Teneo, Kees was the Director of Corporate Affairs at Schiphol Group, the flagship Dutch airport and international transport hub. Prior to this, Kees was Director of Corporate Affairs for Achmea, and before that was the CEO of Burson-Marsteller in the Netherlands, where he successfully built their Dutch office. He has also previously held the position as Group Director of Communications and Public Affairs with TNT, an international delivery services company.

Kees began his career in politics after completing a doctorate in public administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. In 2000, he became the Political Advisor to Prime Minister Wim Kok, a role he held for just over two years, working closely with government ministers during times of significant change.

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