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Armando Nardo

Head of Forensic Technology & eDiscovery

Armando Nardo is the Head of Forensic Technology & eDiscovery, within Teneo’s Financial Advisory business, based in London.

He is an eDiscovery and digital forensic expert with more than 15 years of experience in litigation, arbitration, investigations and regulatory compliance support across multiple industries and jurisdictions.

Prior to Teneo, Armando worked in Deloitte Forensic, leading their digital forensic services as part of their wider Forensic Technology practice. He also worked at Ankura, EY and the UK’s Serious Fraud Office. He has particular experience in financial regulatory investigations, large-scale and complex litigation, business protection, data breach investigations and competition enquiries and investigations.

Armando regularly works alongside in-house counsel and investigations teams at organisations, local and international law firms and regulatory bodies. He provides specialist advice on the end-to-end process of the identification, collection, processing, analysis and review of data in investigations and disclosures in proactive, reactive or crisis scenarios.


Select Project Experience:

  • Retailer administration – Led the data preservation exercise for a large retailer under administration and the processing and review of data supporting responses to regulatory enquiries.
  • Price fixing investigation – Led the data collection, processing and review exercise for a large retailer under a Competition & Markets Authority investigation working closely with external and in-house counsel.
  • Contact Centre monitoring – Implemented and led an endpoint surveillance solution for a large international bank allowing for the efficient detection and resolution of multiple employee misconduct issues while balancing data privacy and enabling work from home.
  • Data destruction – Led a data destruction investigation of over 2,000 devices in the automotive sector following a regulatory investigation (Germany).
  • Libor rate manipulation investigation – Led an eDiscovery exercise into the manipulation of Libor rates for a large international investment bank (Germany).
  • Derivatives bankruptcy investigation – Data collections and eDiscovery processing (USA).
  • Compromised data review – Led an exercise to identify data subjects and data classes in a large corpus of data which had been stolen in a data breach. The exercise assisted the client in meeting its notification obligations to the Information Commissioner’s Office and to the data subjects which had their data exposed.
  • Charity post-incident review – Worked with stakeholders to review an incident and provide assurance that no fraudulent transactions had taken place following a phishing attack.
