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Insights Series

December 20, 2022

By Kevin Kajiwara, Ursula Burns & Paul Keary

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Where is the World Going in 2023 and Beyond?

As we look ahead to 2023, we are pleased to release a special edition episode of Teneo Insights “Where is the World Going in 2023 and Beyond?” featuring Teneo CEO Paul Keary and Chairwoman Ursula Burns. Our conversation stems from the results of Teneo’s recent survey of global CEOs and institutional investors, representing more than $3 trillion USD of company and portfolio value.

The survey explores what is on the minds of CEOs and investors as they plan for 2023 and finds diverging views on topics such as the global macroeconomic outlook but significant alignment on other looming issues including deglobalization. The survey also addresses some of the steps corporate leaders are taking in the face of other disruptive forces, including changing economic conditions, geopolitics, ESG, talent and innovation.

About Teneo Insights

Teneo’s Insights Series provides in-depth analysis on the issues that matter most to CEOs and their businesses. Moderated by Kevin Kajiwara, Co-President of Teneo Political Risk Advisory, each episode features experts from business, politics, academia and media discussing hot-button issues and the impact on financial markets, geopolitics and the business world.

The views and opinions are solely of the program participants and do not necessarily reflect those of Teneo. They are offered to stimulate thought and discussion and not as legal, financial, accounting, tax or other professional advice or counsel.

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