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Insights Series

September 24, 2021

By Kevin Kajiwara

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The Chancellor: Germany During and Beyond the Era of Angela Merkel

In just a few days, German voters will decide who will lead the EU’s most powerful economy. With this watershed Bundestag election, Angela Merkel’s 16 years at the chancellery will come to an end. Her story is nothing but extraordinary. Trained as a research chemist in the country’s formerly communist East, Merkel became Germany’s first female chancellor and then rose to Europe’s undisputed leader. How have Germany, the EU and, in fact, the Western alliance changed during the era of her chancellorship? And as Merkel is about to hand over to a yet-to-be-determined successor and a new government, where is the country going domestically, in Europe and as a global power? Award-winning journalist and Merkel biographer Kati Marton and Teneo Managing Director and German political affairs expert Carsten Nickel join Kevin Kajiwara, Co-President of Political Risk Advisory, for an engaging discussion on the rise, rule and legacy of Angela Merkel -- and what lies ahead for Germany, Europe and the West in the wake of her departure.

About Teneo Insights

Teneo’s Insights Series provides in-depth analysis on the issues that matter most to CEOs and their businesses. Moderated by Kevin Kajiwara, Co-President of Teneo Political Risk Advisory, each episode features experts from business, politics, academia and media discussing hot-button issues and the impact on financial markets, geopolitics and the business world.

The views and opinions are solely of the program participants and do not necessarily reflect those of Teneo. They are offered to stimulate thought and discussion and not as legal, financial, accounting, tax or other professional advice or counsel.

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