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Insights Series

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An Era of Divided U.S. Government

The 118th Congress has taken power with a reordered balance of control. With rising partisanship, fiscal challenges, Republican investigations of the Biden Administration and the legislative limitations of a split government, it promises to be a contentious year on the Hill.

Steve Clemons, Editor-at-Large of Semafor and former Editor-at-Large of The Hill and The Atlantic and Orson Porter, Senior Managing Director, Teneo join our host Kevin Kajiwara for a timely discussion on the House Republicans’ threadbare majority, the likelihood of legislative gridlock and what this means for corporations as they head into a tumultuous 2023.

About Teneo Insights

Teneo’s Insights Series provides in-depth analysis on the issues that matter most to CEOs and their businesses. Moderated by Kevin Kajiwara, Co-President of Teneo Political Risk Advisory, each episode features experts from business, politics, academia and media discussing hot-button issues and the impact on financial markets, geopolitics and the business world.

The views and opinions are solely of the program participants and do not necessarily reflect those of Teneo. They are offered to stimulate thought and discussion and not as legal, financial, accounting, tax or other professional advice or counsel.

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