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A Year in Review, According to Twitter’s Trending Hashtags

December 7, 2020
By Teneo Digital Team

 “A Year In Review, According to Twitter’s Trending Hashtags” title graphic

In 2021, businesses will need to reinvent the ways in which they serve customers, employees, and shareholders alike due to the turning-point events that have occurred in 2020. A worldwide pandemic, an election year, widespread cries for social justice reform, and new models for both working and learning remotely each contributed to the ebbs and flows of this past year. As a reporter of current events on a global scale, Teneo was motivated to produce a timeline of 2020’s milestones based on the conversations that were happening online.

In an effort to monitor 2020’s most viral events related to public health, the economy, social issues, technology, and entertainment, Teneo turned to Twitter to uncover the most trending Twitter hashtags every day since COVID-19 gained momentum. Below you’ll find calendars, from March through November 2020 that indicate the most tweeted hashtag each day during that timeframe as well as the number of times the hashtag was used.

Read on to see the full year in review, according to Twitter’s trending hashtags.

The Most Tweeted Hashtags in the U.S. Each Day

March 2020 calendar with the top hashtags for each day

April 2020 Calendar with the top hashtags for each day

May 2020 Calendar with the top hashtags for each day

June 2020 Calendar with the top hashtags for each day

July 2020 Calendar with the top hashtags for each day

August 2020 Calendar with the top hashtags for each day

September 2020 Calendar with the top hashtags for each day

October 2020 calendar with the top hashtags for each day

November 2020 calendar with the top hashtags for each day

A Monthly Timeline of Events


The Most Tweeted Hashtags of 2020


Check back in January for December’s calendar of trending Twitter events and stay tuned to Teneo’s weekly insights by subscribing to our global newsletter.


The views and opinions in these articles are solely of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Teneo. They are offered to stimulate thought and discussion and not as legal, financial, accounting, tax or other professional advice or counsel.

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